10th January 2021
We know that times are challenging at the moment and like everyone we are adjusting our workday to fit in with COVID-19 regulations to make sure our staff and customers are safe. Davenport Printers are open and continue to meet the needs of our customers with safety and excellent quality at the forefront of our minds. Here are some notes on our current operations:
As our main customers come from confectionery and food and drink industries, we are quality assured to the BRC standard for food safety and hold an A category certification. Therefore, the hygiene and sanitary standards are that of a food factory.
We are not allowing visitors to our factory and therefore we are happy to schedule a call or meeting via zoom or plan a visit for the future. We do still allow deliveries or customer pick-ups.
At present we have not experienced any interruptions to production, however we are well prepared for these circumstances.
We have introduced social distancing measures and are following government guidelines by taking daily temperature checks of staff.
We are continuously monitoring the guidelines and government updates in order to keep our staff and customers safe at these challenging times. We will keep our customers in the know of any interruptions due to COVID-19. However, if you have any concerns or questions, please get in touch!
Philip Davenport
Managing Director, Jh Davenport Printers & Sons Ltd